Risk Calculator


When using a device provided by work (for example; laptop, smart device, phone, computer work station), which of the following do you do/have you done? (please select all that apply)


What was your reason(s) for doing these? (tick all that apply)


At the time of doing this, did you (tick all that apply):


Has your company provided dedicated training or guidelines on cyber security?


Do you know always keep your software up to date on your work devices?


Do you use a complex password on your work device? ( it includes special characters like !, #, £, etc, and a mix of capital letters or numbers)


Would you consider bypassing your IT department to get the tools (applications, data, access) you need to work more productively?


Who do you think is ultimately liable  if your actions lead to a cyber security breach? (select one)


Does your work laptop have administrative controls on that you can’t access (i. only your IT manager can access certain settings, files, folders etc)


Would you report a colleague if they were engaging in activities which would put your company’s cyber security at risk?


Are you confident that the software you use at work is fully licensed?


Results header

Fusce id nulla odio. Nunc nibh justo, placerat vel tincidunt sed, ornare et enim. Nulla vel urna vel ante commodo bibendum in vitae metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis erat nunc, semper eget sagittis sit amet, ullamcorper eget lacus. Donec hendrerit ipsum vitae eros vestibulum eu gravida neque tincidunt. Ut molestie lacinia nulla. Donec mattis odio at magna egestas at pellentesque eros accumsan. Praesent interdum sem sit amet nibh commodo dignissim. Duis laoreet, enim ultricies fringilla suscipit, enim libero cursus nulla, sollicitudin adipiscing erat velit ut dui. Nulla eleifend mauris at velit fringilla a molestie lorem venenatis.


Results header - Rebel

Fusce id nulla odio. Nunc nibh justo, placerat vel tincidunt sed, ornare et enim. Nulla vel urna vel ante commodo bibendum in vitae metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis erat nunc, semper eget sagittis sit amet, ullamcorper eget lacus. Donec hendrerit ipsum vitae eros vestibulum eu gravida neque tincidunt. Ut molestie lacinia nulla. Donec mattis odio at magna egestas at pellentesque eros accumsan. Praesent interdum sem sit amet nibh commodo dignissim. Duis laoreet, enim ultricies fringilla suscipit, enim libero cursus nulla, sollicitudin adipiscing erat velit ut dui. Nulla eleifend mauris at velit fringilla a molestie lorem venenatis.
